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  • Collot-Baca Subtitler

Turning on the lights for them.

When talking about the Audiovisual Translation industry, the first thing that usually comes to mind is subtitling, closed captioning, and even subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH). But there’s another not-so-talked-about, yet massively important service.

So, what service is that?

Let me ask you this: could you imagine what it’s like for blind people to keep up with films, series, documentaries and all different types of content?

The service they need in order to enjoy any type of entertainment is called Audio Description.

Audio description – also referred to as AD, video description or video narration – is where a narrator describes the scene in your video content for those who cannot see it.

Most people know closed captions, which are the subtitles for the deaf, but not many are familiar with the “subtitles” for the blind. That way they can fully enjoy the movie or show.

There are many technicalities to consider at the time of creating the scripts.

Just imagine, you have to describe every relevant detail that’s happening without losing the rhythm.

Although it is an essential job for the spectators, it is also rare to find people qualified to do it right. 

That is why at Collot Baca Subtitling we are very proud to say that we love bringing joy and information to people’s ears by offering this service.

We would also like to invite any trained AD script creators who want to become part of our team to reach out and contact us.

Our family is always growing!

Ask us any question you have at

We’ll be glad to help.

Talk soon!

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